So just as I decide to finally pick up One Day it drops from the UK's top ten after a staggering run of success. Finger on the pulse. But, despite The Help hanging on in there, it's no surprise to see a  few changes in the top ten in the run-up to Christmas. It's the time of year for children's fiction, cook books, and a few glossy stocking-fillers, not to mention go-to Christmas gift, The Guinness Book of World Records. Unsurprisingly, the Steve Jobs biography hangs on in there, despite dropping to fourth position. And bringing out my inner child, The LEGO ideas book. Time to go rummaging in my playbox methinks!

The top ten bestselling books in November, according to Amazon UK:

Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney Book Cover

Jeff Kinney 
£6.49 from Amazon
River Cottage: Veg Everyday by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall Book Cover

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
£11.99 from Amazon
Guinness World Records 2012 Book Cover

£7.00 from Amazon
Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson Book Cover

Walter Isaacson
£11.97 from Amazon
Jamie's Great Britain by Jamie Oliver Book Cover

Jamie Oliver
£9.99 from Amazon
Gangsta Granny by David Walliams Book Cover

David Walliams
£4.55 from Amazon
The Help by Kathryn Stockett Book Cover

Kathryn Stockett
£3.86 from Amazon
Inheritance by Christopher Paolini Book Cover

Christopher Paolini
£9.00 from Amazon
Frozen Planet by Alastair Fothergill Book Cover

Alastair Fothergill
£11.00 from Amazon
The LEGO Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkovitz Book Cover

Daniel Lipkowitz
£8.39 from Amazon
Prices correct on 30/11/2011